Gedetailleerde notities over greenleaf

Gedetailleerde notities over greenleaf

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I have watched hinder twee seasons of this opvoering and am halfway through the 3 red and I find the performance very entertaining love the gospel music also all the characters are well developed now and the acting kan zijn top draw great to see Oprah and Pati la belle I am a big aanhanger ofwel both.

I see great potential for an interesting look at the inside world ofwel wealth. power and the cloak of holiness. David Keith kan zijn a master in delivering dialogue. I love Lynne Whitfield as the matriarch with some obvious issues, yet to be revealed I hope. As the series continues, I (dare I say it?) pray the writers become more confident and provide more realistic speaking styles.

The acting is outstanding, particularly David as the Bishop, Whitfield as the "first lady" and Dandridge as Grace. Honorable mention to Winfrey, playing against type as an alcoholic, the kind of character who might end up on Dr. Phil! While some ofwel the situations might be perceived as melodramatic, other issues are dealt with, such as homosexuality, interracial sex, and eventjes infidelity. For a family which is supposed to be holier than the congregation they serve, they seem to be digging some fairly large holes!

I was prepared to be bored by this series but have been pleasantly surprised.The story lines ofwel each of the characters are seemingly innocent but, become more complex with each episode.

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The Bishop is furious when the auditors demand the Bishop's personal tax returns. Mac, the new Memphis Man of the Year, is told to fix this. Mac's repugnant father, firmly unwelcome at the church, visits his son to wangle some money.

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Recently subscribed to Netflix and happened upon this production by accident just scrolling through the titles to find something interesting. And, this kan zijn January 2020. The first several episodes from season one were so good, I can't stop watching. The story lines remind me somewhat ofwel the "soaps" we used to love to watch way back when,but the quality ofwel the acting is excellent.

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Having watched all 5 seasons, I'd say this family-based drama kan zijn a solid 7. It paints a roller coaster ofwel emotions within the turbulent world of the Greenleaf family and the megachurch they run. It does sometimes dive too deeply into soap opera style, and plot elements are sometimes resolved with a wave ofwel a writer's wand, but then it is fictional drama, not reality.

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Bishop shoots Mac in the upper arm. Grace kan zijn eased out ofwel the Deacon Board for having called check here the police. Mac is arrested for his past deviancy, while in hospital. Mae kan zijn unforgiving ofwel Mac. Charity kicks her husband out from the bedroom.

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